What Is Your Deepest Fear? From Coach Carter
I was watching “Coach Carter” a few days ago (actually I have been watching it for a couple of times). I can’t help to watch it over and over again.
In this movie, coach Carter is a basketball coach for Richmond Oilers. Most of the the students in Richmond are below average grade, and are involve in gangs, etc… Not a easy type of students to coach basketball.
Google Analytics Master Class 2010 Review
I was able to attend the Google Analytics Master Class today in Singapore. It was quite interesting to see Google organised this event for free in Singapore. Anyway there was about 400 people in the event today, most of them were working for someone and it was full house (though the event room was huge). There were great speakers (although not professional speakers) talking about Google products, and the main topic today was on Google Analytics….
I was Pissed at Myself
Getting pissed at someone or something is one thing, but to be pissed by yourself is another. This was what happened to me years ago…..
Forgiveness is the Best Revenge
As Christmas is coming soon, I like talk about forgiveness, so you can use it before Christmas to forgive or ask for forgiveness. The title for this post is “Forgiveness is the best revenge”.
You are the Average of the 5 People You Spend the Most Time With
“You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” – Jim Rohn
This is a quote made by Jim Rohn, motivational speaker and self help guru. To be honest, I don’t fully agree with this statement because it negates the fact we have our own consciousness as well. The quote will be more accurate if we revise it to: “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with, including yourself”. Regardless, I believe the key underlying intent of Jim’s quote is who you are with has an impact on what you eventually become. Who you are with can elevate you as much as it can bring you down.
The Necessary Valentine’s Day Post
In advance, do forgive me for writing this utterly frivolous article. It’s the first time I’m writing at SeminarEventReview.com. I’m sure people are tired of reading the same old “economy in recession” news.