Advanced Search Engine Optimization 5-Day Seminar Review
How important is the visibility of your website to your current customers? Perhaps not much especially if your customers already know you and are currently buying from you.
Rephrasing that question: How important is the visibility of your website to your POTENTIAL customers?
Robert Kiyosaki Live In Singapore 2009 Review
It’s great to learn from Robert Kiyosaki again since 2004 he came to Singapore. This time round Robert brought alone his wife, Kim Kiyosaki and his advisers to Singapore on the 26th ~27th May in Singapore Expo Hall 2.
Robert still teach the same thing on being responsible for your own financial future. So it’s good to recap on what he taught back in 2004. He still focus on teaching building a business, investing on property and investing in stocks.
The Cone Of Learning: Which Level Are You Now?
Were you one of the students that did not do well in school? Have you ever wonder why even if you study very hard yet still not getting the best result? The answer is that school uses reading and lecture as the primary way to educate students, and that reading and lectures are the least effective in terms of learning.