The Systematic Trader Review: The Trading Methodology Without Emotions
I have heard that the 3 ways to make money is through business, property and stocks. I have my own business and also invested into property, so now I like to venture successfully…
Entrepreneur Action Program: Succeed In Business Everytime
Jerome Tan has 20 years of field sales and entrepreneurial experience. He is highly enterprising and has the ability to churn out tons of valuable and practical business ideas. In particular, he is adept at helping businesses reduce their costs of operations and increase their revenue with very little or no investments. There are many things that I have learned from Jerome, so much so I decided to strike a deal with him for you.
Invest Wisely In 2012 with Dr Alexander Elder Review (Day 1)
I attended “Invest Wisely In 2012” 2 weeks ago, it was organised by PhillipsCapital, the main speak was Dr Alexander Elder, MD , who is a professional trader, an expert in technical analysis,…
Advanced SEO Certification Review
I have attended the Advanced SEO Certification in Nov 2010, last month just re-attended it again. So this post has been delayed for more than a year now. Hahahaha.If you want to read another Advance SEO Review by Aidah, click on the link.
This year’s Advanced SEO seminar is very different from last year, maybe it’s because the more I re-learn it, the more I understand on SEO. So what is the main difference this year compare to last?
Developing Effective Leadership Skill
There’s a lot of different ways you can do to develop your leadership skills. A developing leadership skill is very beneficial to every individual. It allows a person to maximize his productivity and chances to have better life. This skill can be learned or reinforced through various aspect of life. Some methods involve voicing out ideas and thought like writing, speaking and conversing to people. Some is about community service and clubs or group involvement.
Local Marketing Coaching Review
Local Marketing Coaching is the latest training done by Fabian Lim, Simon Leung and Andy Huang. This is a 3 days event focusing on local business marketing as a SEM consultant or SEM agency. This is for those Internet marketers who wants to help or service the local business owners as a SEM consultant. This 3 day event will be release in August 2011 in the form of DVDs and notes. Local Marketing Coaching Folder