People want to have life like a royal. We sometimes admire those successful people and wish that we could also live the way they live. That’s why most of people are into television and magazines. They are infatuated to the idea of living like royal. But sadly, we are fully infatuated with them but not enough motivated to reach what we really want. We don’t have enough urge to work on the goal to be able to live the way we want.
Of course, everyone wants to be happy, to be safe and live life comfortably. Bad thing is, we don’t have enough self-motivation to be able achieve it. What do you think is the cause of this? It is procrastination – laziness. This is where we listen to our emotional side rather than logic. See picture on right.
Unfortunately, people use their emotional side when it comes to deciding most of the time. However, to be able to plan and to complete a certain task, we should use our logic. But mostly, we are letting our emotional side to take over in our decision that’s why we are taking different route and sometimes results failures.
Why do you think working is an easy task for us to do? Because it is necessity – we should have to work to be able to survive. We need money to sustain our basic needs. And to have the money we need, we must work. Of course, everyone has their own goals and dreams.
Why do you think we are not able to live the way celebrities and royal do? Why we can’t be like them? The reason is we are not putting our desires into action. We are thinking that it is hypocrisy to work on our desires. So, we are just living our life by default.
Now, how can you cure or get rid your procrastination?
Reprogram yourself. Change your attitude and the way you approach your desires. Listen to your logic rather than to your emotional side. This task may seem easy to most people. But they will realize that this is the hardest thing they will ever do later on.
Imagine, you will have to read books about your sort instead of watching TV. Relaxing life will be pulled off drastically. To get rid our procrastination, we need to get rid what causing it.
In a long run, you will realize that procrastination is the silent assassin that will cause you lots of failures. So cure it in early stage, or regret later on.