Jerome Tan’s Property Investment Program Review

“We have invested between 16-18 years attending school from primary to tertiary education. But does your school teach you how to be rich?”

This question had me pondering from the start till the end of the two hour session. The highly motivated speaker and successful property investor cum entrepreneur, Jerome Tan, has an established outlook on how investments can make you rich.

Jerome’s motto is to share his expertise on how to be rich by owning properties with “little or no money” and doing it “legally, morally and ethically”.

While most of us are figuring out how we succeed in saving up for most of our daily expenses, Jerome imparted what he learned from his mentor (Robert Kiyosaki): the Cashflow Quadrant. Likewise, majority of us fall under the “E” category, trapped in the system.

Cashflow Quadrant

After listening to his useful tips and insightful information, Jerome is selfless in helping budding investors by giving the correct knowledge and contacts to succeed in owning properties locally and in overseas.

The Ultimate Goal Is Being Financially-Free

The utopian dream for many of us is to be debt-free. Primarily, a stable job may be sufficient in keeping up with most of our expenses yet not entirely covering 100 percent of this expenditure.

Presently, Jerome owns 50 and more properties and has a passive income of more than SGD$200,000. Yet he is driven and confident to own 10 more overseas properties due to positive prospect of overseas real estate market.

For an entrepreneur and investor to strike deals without any money contribution is a commendable achievement.

What is Jerome’s secret? “Strategize your deals and listen to the rich people”. This implied to those who have correct contacts (tax consultants, bankers, contractors, investors, legal advisors) and networking in the relevant industry. They are rich businesspeople that have shown credible results in taking risk and maximize opportunities. Hence, the best place to start networking is through paid seminars!

Another key takeaway that I learnt from this preview is that being resourceful can boost your investment opportunities as compared to having limited resources. How can we be more resourceful? You need to attend his Property Investment Seminar to find out!

There are many things that you can learn from Jerome Tan through his Property Investment Programme (PIP) Seminar.

One of the “students”, Silver, who completed the PIP found the seminar to be beneficial and gained valuable tips on investing properties. Based on the testimony shown during the PIP preview, she went on to buy her first property one day after attending the seminar!

This seminar is a great opportunity not to be missed as you can obtain expert advice and know-how from the right contacts and networking.

If you are keen, committed and driven to learn how to be a successful property investor, this seminar is the right place for you.Jerome Tan

It is especially recommendable to those who are venturing into real-estate market for the first time and have little knowledge about property investment as a whole.

For more information, Click Here To Find Out More.

It is time for you to move out of your comfort zone. Remember that action-takers are individuals who are willing to learn the ropes of success.


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