"Blair Singer" tag

Selling Requires Energy

Its been fun returning to Blair Singer’s 2 days “Authentic Sales And Leadership Program”. Actually its like my third time attending the program, and it has always give me new insights and old ones as well. What I want to do is to share on what I have learn from the first day itself.

Everybody in this world is a sales person, even if you are not a sales person in profession, in a way you are selling your ideas, your thoughts, your decisions, etc…. A very interesting questions popped up during the event by Blair: “How many of you are married out there (about half the room raised their hands)?”

Robert Kiyosaki Live In Singapore 2009 Review

It’s great to learn from Robert Kiyosaki again since 2004 he came to Singapore. This time round Robert brought alone his wife, Kim Kiyosaki and his advisers to Singapore on the 26th ~27th May in Singapore Expo Hall 2.

Robert still teach the same thing on being responsible for your own financial future. So it’s good to recap on what he taught back in 2004. He still focus on teaching building a business, investing on property and investing in stocks.

What I Have Learned from Blair Singer’s Event

I remember the first time I knew about Blair Singer is on 12th March 2007. His first performance in Taiwan. I thought He is just like the most of the Masters that Success…

5-day Sales Partner Program by Blair Singer

I’m a General Manager of a training company in Malaysia. I never think that I’m a sales person or I can do sales. I always think that my main responsibility is just to…

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