The Systematic Trader Review: The Trading Methodology Without Emotions

I have heard that the 3 ways to make money is through business, property and stocks. I have my own business and also invested into property, so now I like to venture successfully into stocks trading.

I have been to a few trading seminars and courses in the past, so I had some unprofitable trading experience. From those experiences, I learnt that the bulk of my losses came from not following the trading system rules. And the main factor for not following the rules, was because I could not control my emotions well.


Perhaps I was young back then and was not serious in learning this craft because I had to focus on my business. Now with a more matured mindset, I want to focus on becoming a consistently profitable trader.

I got to know Collin Seow back in about 2012, I found him to be an honest person and very knowledgeable trader and remisier (he retired from being a remisier in late 2016).

Collin’s credentials are as follows (I copied from his “The Systematic Trader Course”);

“Collin Seow is a qualified Chartered Portfolio Manager (CPM) who holds a Certified Financial Technician (CFTe) qualification.

He has been awarded the Top 10 Achievers in PhillipCFD for many consecutive years and he is also a reputable trainer with CyberQuote (A Member of PhillipCapital) with long standing-record.

Collin is the proud inventor of a stock trading algorithm/software known as “TradersGPS”.

Given his vast experience in trading, he is often sought after to speak at numerous prestigious conference such as Shares Investment Conference, Shareinvestor Carnival, Phillip iFest, Investor Wealth Summit and the MetaStock Conference.

Recently, he has authored his own book titled “The Systematic Trader”, that details his journey and methods on turning a $250,000 debt into profits through stock trading.”

Why I attended Collin’s course?

Besides being honest and knowledgeable, I find Collin’s trading system the EASIEST to follow among all other trading systems I’ve encountered before. I do not have to battle with my emotions to make so many trading decisions. I just needed to trust the system generated signals to tell me when to buy, sell or stay out of the market.

How easy?

By looking at the arrows that appear in the stock charts (1st part), and follow a simple strict entry rule (2nd part), it’s easy to follow!

And once the 2 parts are fulfilled, I can place an order and wait for the market to fill my order if the trade is triggered.

A side note

Collin’s course is a trend-following trading system, based on end of day trading. That is when the green arrow (generated with a proprietary methodology designed by Collin) will appear on the charts when the criteria for a set up are all met.

This is the 1st part. As for the 2nd part, it’s a few simple rules to confirm that it is time to buy.

The coloured candles give me a clear directional bias, so blue is bullish, red is bearish. To exit a long position, simply wait for the candles to turn red, followed by one simple rule, to exit my position.

What Other Things Will Collin Be Teaching?

There is one other strategy that we will get to learn too. It is swing trading. Swing trading is essentially short term trend trading. Collin recommends a holding period of about 5 days.

The Life-long Hand Holding

Once after the course, there is life-long hand holding by Collin to make sure that you learn the system. He conducts weekly market outlook webinars and discusses some stocks. If you have any questions regarding the trading system or related to trading you can always ask on the Graduates Facebook group (closed group).

The group is very responsive and support is given when you ask nicely. =)

If you are interested, you can go for Collin’s preview to find out more.

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