How to Get Rid of Negative Talks? Be Positive!

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Not all people who talking to themselves are crazy. Sometimes, we just don’t realize it but we are talking to ourselves most of the day. It is a like a radio inside our head. It is talking to us and reminding how silly, bad or good we are. It also serves as our critics in our actions. Worse, it can change our mood and outlook into something pessimistic.

The voices in our head sometimes cause negative to us. It sometimes dictates us what to do and what to do not. For an instance, if you want to apply for a job or change your life into something productive, this voice will object your plan and will feed you fears and in turn, you will be afraid to try what you have planned beforehand. This will control your life and decision if you are going to let it. Yes, it can be helpful sometimes but you have to make sure that it won’t control you but it’s you who will control it.

But don’t you worry just yet. There are some steps you can try to get rid of those negative voices and self-talks. Those voices will turn into something positive and will be your avid fan later on. Here are those:

Step #1 – Listen and be aware to the voices in your head

Mostly, we are just letting the negative voices to come and go off our minds. Try to listen to them once in a while. Be aware on how it speaks to us. Is it saying same thing over and over? Is it judging and criticize our actions most of the time? Also, know what the effect of those voices to you. Sometimes, we are just letting those negative voices leads us and in turn, we are being controlled by it. As a matter of fact, negative self-talks deceive us. It feeds us fears and doubt. Thus you have to listen, focus and be ware on what this voice is saying and causing to you. You will be able to determine who is really controlling you.

Step #2 – Asses your Inner Voice

There are two voices in our inner – the positive and negative. What kind of voice do you think speak to you most of the time? Is it the voice of doubt and fear? Is it causing you agony? Is it making you feel down? Or maybe you can hear some positive voice that gets over with the negative one? Then you should be glad. You have to practice talking to your positive voices more often. You can easily recognize if it’s a positive voice. It can make you feel joyful and happy. In a long run, you will feel optimistic towards life.

Step #3 – Talk to positive voices more Often

After you have determined which voice talking to you most of the time, you can now start change your negative talks into something positive. How? Pay attention and listen to the voice that making you feel good and ignore those voices that doing otherwise. Rather than listening to the voice that saying “everything I touch falls apart”, better listen to voice saying “I pull everything together”. Subconsciously, positive talks can make you act positively in turn.

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