Real Social Marketing Secret was conduct by Simon Leung, facilitated by Fabian Lim on 13th Mar 2010, Singapore Management University, School of Economics. I was there the whole day, where Simon was sharing most of the time, and Fabian added in some thoughts into social media marketing, using Twitter, Facebook, Video Marketing & Social BookMarking.
Social marketing has been the talk of the town (actually the talk of the world), bringing thousands of free traffic to your website or affiliate sites, thus making money daily. So how is it done then? To get thousands of visitors to website and make money out of it?
The key to the whole social media marketing is to building relationship.
Yes, it is that simple. As Simon put it that in order to build a list via your social media sites, you have to be in relationship with them. For example, you may be using Twitter to build a list, sending them to affiliate sites or even to your blogs etc, but they never seem to buy anything.
For this I was also wondering how it can be done? The trick is to talk about it without even selling it on your Twitter. This way you will get your twitter followers to find out more about what you are talking about, thus its like recommending to them. You can also use twitter to start a question, this is a great way to get your followers to engage in the talk, thus making them involve in the discussion. You will be surprise to see that by engaging with your twitter followers, you will also increase in your followers number too.
Video is also a great way to get more traffic and at the same time increase in your followers in your twitter and facebook. What you need to to is to produce very short videos of yourself, sharing on where you are, recommending things that are great after you used it. It can be done using YouTube or even, as they are free and easy to use. The trick in video marketing is to show funny, or informative, or lifestyle, anything that shows that you are real.
As for Facebook, what you need to do is to set up a fan page of your own, and from there slowly build your fans. You videos and picture play a very important factor in generating traffic. What you need to do is to tag your fans in your pictures and videos, this way you will be able to give curiosity to friends of those whom you tagged, wanting to find out more. And when they come into your fan page, there is a button above the fold, asking you to join the fan page. Of course you will need to provide content, pictures and videos to get them to be your fans.
I will be trying on the the tips for twitter, become more involved in building relationship with my followers. And I was just doing what Simon told us to do, and there was an increase in my followers (20 followed me today). I am looking for more to come. By the way, if you are interested in the event by Simon Leung, there is no news of future same event, but I will be happy to inform you if he is coming to Singapore again on the same topic.
Use the comments below to get latest news. Thank you.
April 5, 2010
The content here is very valuable as I got the results within just days ranking my way up to Google domination. Very cool!
April 8, 2010
Hi Jerome,
Thank you for your comment. Hope to see you more in our blog.
July 14, 2010
I am very keen to join this event. Kindly update me the latest schedule & activities.
July 24, 2010
Hi Jacob,
We have a 2 day event where Simon and Fabian will share more on social marketing on the 21st and 22nd Aug, in Singapore Management University.
It is at Sing $1,497, please use the contact form to message me.
Hear from you soon.