Money And You Review

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Money and You” is a 3-day seminar which can empower you to take action in transforming yourself by breaking through the layers of obstacles that are holding you back from your desired results. An unusual method of interactive learning is used to introduce the various useful principles that guide you towards the path of success. It’s a kind of experiential training for adults that requires participative action by the seminar attendees and learning is done through games, group discussions or simply sharing experiences and interactions with one another during the seminar.

Work groups are formed to distinguish the various characteristics among the four main profiles of people. It is through knowing yourself or which profile you belong to that you are better able to form efficient teams for business projects and work towards a high level of synergy within the team. The seminar emphasizes on concepts like abundance, leverage, network, teamwork, synergy, skills, mastery and adding value to business systems. Important traits like integrity, responsibility, courage, love and trust are defined.

Through participating in the games at the seminar, one can learn about human behaviour by analysing how the game was played. It is believed that games are often a reflection of behaviour and how people played in the game clearly demonstrated what they were thinking during those moments they played.

The victors in the games naturally feel like winners but those who do not do well are considered as learning teams. Participants are encouraged to treat these games as learning experiences for themselves. Sharing of true life experiences is a powerful learning experience and this avenue is also explored fairly frequently by encouraging participants to share during the course of the seminar.

Learn to achieve mastery, and have a blueprint to live above the ordinary and rise above mediocrity to achieve extraordinary results.

Most people spend their lives earning a living rather than designing their lives. Have a vision of how you want your life to be like? Your vision is the promise of what you shall be one day. Dream lofty dreams and as you dream, so shall you become.

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