Jaz Lai: Inbox Cash Explosion Review

3 weeks ago I helped out at Jaz Lai’s event where he has better structure than his previous Income List Booster. What I must say is that the current students are getting more than what I learn from him in the previous seminar.

Here are the main ideas when you are attending:

1) Create a squeeze page. A very simple looking webpage, it does need to have multiple pages. You will need a web hosting and a auto responder to go along with.

2) Drive traffic to squeeze page. Jaz will be covering the few most popular ways to drive traffic, article marketing, video marketing, forum marketing, blogging, ad swap, etc…

3) Create a follow up system emails that will make your subscribers buy from you. Jaz will teach you a 7 email formula called MR FUs to get your subscribers to act. Making them look silly if they do not buy from you.

4) Market, market, market. Here are some of the great tips that Jaz will be sharing in marketing products, and they are so easy to use. It can only not work when you do not take action.

If you are interested in finding out more about Jaz workshop, use the contact form, together with your name, email and mobile, state that you like to find out more about Jaz event.

Anyway, here is one of Jaz’s online product that has some of the teachings in the seminar, if you want to know if the seminar works? Then try his product first.

=> Click here to find out.

Jaz Lai and his Lotus car

By the way, I video recorded some of Jaz Lai’s teaching during the seminar, and one of them Jaz as performing a trick too. Enjoy…

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